E-commerce Basket

As the lead product designer in the “basket squad” at BT Business I spearheaded the squad initiatives in 2021. Our primary objectives were to understand why conversion rates were low, basket abandonment rates were high and how uptake of additional products could be improved.


BT Group


User Testing, UX/UI Design


October 2021


BT Business employs an agile squad system across a complex purchase journey for sales of Broadband products and services and I was leading a compact team of designers in the “Basket squad”. In this role, I advocated for user-centric design principles. We embarked on a comprehensive data analysis journey, examining metrics such as page visits, click-through and focus rates, conversion funnels, and heat maps. Additionally, we conducted user testing of the current basket through to gain a thorough insight into user pain points.

User testing revealed key insights, showing that the basket page was cluttered with excessive content and lifestyle imagery, leading to confusion among users. Many did not realise they had landed on the basket page due to unclear signposting and a lack of clear indicators.


After sharing our findings in our squad workshops, we advanced to the ideation phase, creating various hypotheses for experimentation. These concepts were rapidly sketched and assessed by our team, discarding any that failed to meet our business objectives.

After reviewing competitor platforms and other e-commerce baskets, it became evident that our current basket required a thorough overhaul. I began to examine the entire purchase process and the ways customers interacted with the basket, considering the customer's journey to and from the basket as an integrated part of the overall experience, rather than viewing the basket in isolation.


With a major Black Friday event on the horizon, we expedited user testing and advanced with a concept that addressed key user pain points while also conforming to the latest global branding refresh, positioning it as an MVP. Given the complexity of the purchase journey, this represented a significant step forward from the existing design, although further iterations were already in contemplation.

After deploying the MVP, we analysed critical metrics and identified additional areas for improvement that hadn't been addressed prior to launch. The second iteration was aimed at refining the recently added upsell section and clarifying the pricing summary, enhancing overall user experience and streamlining the purchase process.


In subsequent iterations, we developed and refined a mobile-first basket journey that was met with success. Guided by user feedback, we created a less cluttered page that emphasized the key elements users need while making additional information easily accessible through clear signposting for those who seek it.

After A/B testing, we were confident that our latest iterations, including the introduction of innovative features such as a VAT toggle, "save my basket" functionality, and a sticky footer, as well as enhancements to the new upsell section, would be successful. These updates played a crucial role in achieving and advancing the business's goals.


The second and most significant iteration of the basket redesign led to a remarkable 12.5% uplift in conversion rates, outperforming our initial forecasts by 6.5%. Moreover, we observed a 22.1% decrease in call centre enquiries and a 19.4% drop in basket abandonment rates, surpassing our expectations.

These outcomes far exceeded what I had predicted, and I took great pride in surpassing our stakeholders' expectations.


Following the triumph of the second iteration, we consistently monitored and analysed data to identify further enhancements and future innovations. Leveraging my expertise, I transitioned to a new squad focused on improving a customer portal that was not meeting expectations. However, before leaving the basket squad, I initiated the development of new features aimed at boosting product upselling and enhancing user confidence.

Reflecting on my contributions, I was more than satisfied and happy, recognising that I had been a significant asset to the success of the new basket launch.